1. Favourite knob/fader/switch on a piece of gear and why?
Well here you’ll find a strange answer, never used this gear in one of my videos, this one was one of first gears I got since I started playing the electric guitar. This Ibanez pedal isn’t anything special but I’m a “big fan” of faders and this one was my first pedal with a fader. Underrated pedal imho, really had good times with my guitar.

2. Do you have an ‘almost’ perfect bit of kit? What would you change?
This question it’s so easy to answer, obviously my OP-1 from Teenage Engineering. Oh I have a lot of things I would change: more than just 4 tracks, a better keyboard construction and MIDI port…. Mmmmh maybe a lower price also? 😅

3. What setup do you bring on holiday/tour/commute etc.?
So hard to decide between one of my Pocket Operators or my OP-Z. These two kinds of gears are so portable and funny, but which one to choose? How did I solved this dilemma?
Taking both of them.

4. What software do you wish was hardware and vice versa?
I use Audacity for choppin/editing my samples for the SP404, it’s so easy to use and work well also for other things, would be nice to have a gear that has the same functions (ok maybe already exist, but not with the same easy functions) so I will be completely Dawless.
5. Is there anything you regret selling… or regret buying?
For a materialist like me it’s hard to sell anything, this is why I’ve never sold anything (also beyond my music gears) it’s not like I want more things or instruments, I build up a connection between my gears and me and I categorically exclude to sell anything, I love all my instruments in a different way and I’m sure I could regret any sale. But I have a sort of regret buying…. All my Pocket Operators: after all my purchasing, Teenage Engineering, released the OP-Z that is like many PO in just one gear…. THANKS 😤

6. What gear has inspired you to produce the most music?
Firstly I thought I would answer with “OP-1” and could be the truth, has so many ways and styles you can reach but, in a different way and with some really good live effects, I have to say that my SP404A inspired me so much and so many times! There’s a special and magical process during the research of the “perfect” sample that drives me crazy every time. You can jump from hip hop to techno and also making some drones.

7. If you had to start over, what would you get first?
Maybe some piano lessons, I’m an “ex” guitarist and I (fortunately) studied music theory, but I wish I would have studied piano so I would be able to improvise staying in the right scale and choosing the right chord when I want… Still time for taking some private lessons!
8. What’s the most annoying piece of gear you have, that you just can’t live without
Maybe I’m the lucky one that is happy with his gears! For now my PC, I need to change it 😅
9. Most surprising tip/trick/technique that you’ve discovered about a bit of kit?
I have to choose a phrase of one of my favorite architects Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, you can also spent on music or anything: “Less is more”.
Don’t keep adding sounds, more things doesn’t mean more beautiful!
Artist or Band name?
From ambient to lo-fi hip hop
Mmmh I really have to?

Where are you from?
How did you get into music?
Started studying classic guitar in secondary school, get into synthesizer’s world thanks to my father and the videos of Jeremy (Red Means Recording)
What still drives you to make music?
The community, seriously. Started as a hobby now I have so many “synth-friends”, this keep me focused on human side of the music. I also love when I watch videos from another people and learning/talking about synthesizers
How do you most often start a new track?
Usually pads or bassline.
How do you know when a track is finished?
Everytime it’s hard to add some new sounds, if doesn’t sounds as I want it’s time to stop
Show us your current studio

Best creative advice that you’ve ever heard?
Dad:”Add some reverb!”
Promote your latest thing… Go ahead, throw us a link.
[Editor: Do you have a favorite tip, trick or way of working with any of the gear from this interview?
Then throw a comment below…]