1. What is your favourite knob/switch/fader on a piece of gear?
The knobs on my Hohner String Melody II… I just love the colours…

2. Do you have an ‘almost’ perfect bit of kit? What would you change?
I really like the sound of the drums on the Volca Beats , especially the kick drum, but I don’t like the snare . I would have loved one which was a bit more aggressive and snappy.

3. What setup do you bring on holiday/tour/commute etc.?
Just my laptop, a midi keyboard, my Apogee Duet Duo and the JHS ColorBox v2 for warming up and EQ’ing softsynhs / hardwaresynths or to record bass or guitar through or re-amping . It sounds so great and it has XLR input for mic as well. Perfect!

4. What software do you wish was hardware and vice versa?
I wish my Hughes Retriever could be emulated as a plugin, it has such a unique sound and I love the way it opens up the stereo image.

5. Is there anything you regret selling… or regret buying?
A lot I regret buying, ha ha… lately the Yamaha Reface YC. It sounds like plastic and not in the good corny way… don’t know why I bought it.

I regret selling my Thermionic Culture Vulture, I didn’t use it enough, but sometimes I have experienced actually missing what it did. The plugin version is not sounding as good at all.
6. What gear has inspired you to produce the most music?
I don’t have one specific thing, but it could actually be my upright piano that I have in my studio. It’s where most of my songs have been made.

I like to NOT sit in front of a computer, but instead using my ears and I love that the sound is coming from the instrument itself , not through speakers. It’s very intimate and I feel more focused on the songwriting rather than the sound. I also use it with the felt on, and I like that intimate sound it produces.

7. If you had to start over, what would you get first?
A Mac not a PC. [Editor: Woah-ho! Easy now everyone. Let’s all be friends, ok?]
8. What’s the most annoying piece of gear you have, that you just can’t live without?
My wireless Mac mouse . It loses the connection to Bluetooth ALL the time , and I tried different Mac mouses, same problem! And I just got a new MacBook Pro, so it shouldn’t happen… but it does!! It drives me crazy!!
9. Most surprising tip/trick/technique that you’ve discovered about a bit of kit?
Playing with the reels on my Revox while recording. To give it a bit of wow / flutter here and there.

I actually had a controller specifically made for that one thing only.

Artist or Band name?
Indie / electronica

Where are you from?
Copenhagen. Denmark.
How did you get into music?
I started playing on all sorts of stuff, from pots and pans to toy pianos, from when I was 3 or 4 years old, and never stopped loving and playing music!!
What still drives you to make music?
I love the playful energy in it and the fact that I can create my own little musical world!
How do you most often start a new track?
At my upright piano.
How do you know when a track is finished?
It’s easier now, it was hard for me earlier. But I need to, still have that spontaneous vibe I had, when I started working on a song. It’s so easy to overproduce or overdo a track.
Show us your current studio

Best creative advice that you’ve ever heard?
“Use your ears” and “There is no right or wrong way to do things!“
Promote your latest thing… Go ahead, throw us a link.
Trentemoller – Obverse [Editor: Go listen now! Really]
[Editor: There are affiliate links to the relevant gear throughout the articles. It helps to support this blog. In fact, should you be needing some patch cables or guitar strings. Then clicking on one of the above links and buying any product that you prefer, will help the blog… doesn’t even have to be the ones in the link. Thx]